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Gamestop Buys Kongregate

Kongregate Gamestop

Kongregate, a community with a firm back bone made up of thousands upon thousands of free games, is about to get even more backing thanks to its recent fusion with gaming giant Gamestop. But will this unlikely pairing hurt the Kongregate gaming community more than it will help? And what exactly does this mean for your beloved local Gamestop?

Kongregate (or Kong for short) averages over 10 million active users with more than 23 million hours of logged game time a month, and puts forward games provided by eager young developers. Indie developers are supported by Kong not only in having a platform to present their wares to such a large community, but also by given a share in ad and transaction revenue. The owners Jim and Emily Greer wholeheartedly support this community, and do their best to give developers and gamers the best possible community for them. They also believe that Gamestop wholeheartedly support the Kong community as well.

Click to continue reading Gamestop Buys Kongregate

Read More | Kongregate via Gamasutra


Newegg Deal: Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 Bundle

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Hot Deals, Video Games,

Xbox 360 FInal Fantasy XIII bundle promo code newegg

, like all other retailers, are clearancing out their existing stock of the Xbox 360. For you, this means you can get a brand new console, including those special edition models, at a great price. Case in point, Newegg is selling the FInal Fantasy XIII Special Edition Xbox 360 bundle for just $249. What do you get for that price? For starters, you get an Xbox 360 console with a 250GB hard drive (yup, same size as the new model,) a copy of Final Fantasy XIII, two wireless controllers (you usually just get one of these,) headset, and batteries. It’s a great deal, since separately this would all cost you $100 more. If interested, you can check out the bundle on Newegg.

As always, you can find all sorts of Newegg promo code and deals on our forums.

Read More | Newegg Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 bundle

Glee: The Wii Sing-Along

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Music, Prime Time, FOX, News,

Glee - Somebody to Love

Want to sing a duet with Rachel Berry, or take her starring spot in New Directions? Thanks to a new Nintendo Wii game, you too can become part of the club.

Karaoke Revolution Glee! will feature 35 songs as seen on the series. You and your friends will croon duets and group numbers, along with plenty of power ballads for solo singers. The game will be released this fall. 

That gives you a few weeks to practice, so set up your video camera and start belting tunes from Les Miserables.

Read More | E! Online

Play Kinect at Macy’s on July 15th

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Microsoft, Video Games,

Kinect Macys

Hey, have you been wanting to get your hands on Microsoft’s for Xbox 360? They’ve been on display at all five of the official Microsoft stores, which pretty much no one lives by in the grand scheme of things. However, on July 15th, Kinect will be playable at 13 different Macy’s locations across the country, for one day only. We’ve got the full list of stores hosting the Kinect demos after the break.

Click to continue reading Play Kinect at Macy’s on July 15th

Bleeding Edge TV 353: Xbox 360 slim vs original Xbox 360

When Microsoft announced the new Xbox 360 S at , there were more questions than answers. Why release a new console? Is it just slimmer than the original Xbox 360? Should current Xbox 360 owners upgrade to the newer model? Well, we were able to get our hands on the new slim Xbox 360, and we aim to answer all those questions in this episode. We compare the new Xbox 360 up against the original model and run down all the various changes in the external appearance, the back panel connectors, and some of the internals. If you have anymore questions about the new model after viewing, just drop them in the comments.

You can pick up the Xbox 360 S at Amazon now.

Steam for Mac now publicly available!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Konami, PC,

Steam for Mac Valve

That’s right - you can now finally download Steam for Mac! In case you weren’t aware, Steam will basically do more for Mac gaming than anything any other company, including Apple, has ever done. Go ahead and get to downloading now. Oh, and if you’ve never tried Portal, there’s never been a better time to do it.

Super-Mario Crossover: Mega-Man Your Mario

Posted by Finnian Durkan Categories: Culture, Nintendo, PC, Platformers, Retro,

Super Mario CrossoverEver wondered what it would be like to play the classic Super-Mario Brothers NES game using another character?  Well newsgrounds.com creator ExplodingRabbit has released a flash version of the classic Super Mario Bros. title, Super Mario Crossover, that allows you to use with Simon Belmont from Castlevania, Link from The Legend of Zelda, Samus from Metroid, Mega Man, and Bill from Contra.  All characters maintain their special weapons and characteristics and the game even introduces a few new character features when they interact with the Mario Brothers game environment.  Bill gains a ‘rapid-fire’ ability when he eats a mushroom, Samus can plant bombs when she is in her ball form and even the music changes for each character.  This flash game offers the perfect distraction for your 2pm post-lunch food-coma, and may make you wonder why you ever ditched your original NES in the first place.

Early Halo: Reach multiplayer beta code giveaway!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Microsoft, Video Games,

Halo Reach Multiplayer Beta code

If you own an , then we’re fairly confident that you’re salivating over getting early access to the Halo: Reach multiplayer beta. Sure, the beta goes public on May 3rd, open to all who have a copy of Halo 3: ODST, but who wants to wait 4 more days to get in on the action if you can have it today? Yep, that’s where we come in. We’ve got a bunch of Halo: Reach beta codes that we are going to be giving away today, and if you get one, you’ll be able to download and play the Halo: Reach beta today! So, how do you enter to win one of these super-exclusive codes? Here’s your answer:

  1. If you don’t have one already, sign up for a Twitter account
  2. Follow the Gear Live Twitter account
  3. On Twitter, post this tweet about our contest: “Hey @gearlive hook me up with a Halo: Reach Multiplayer Beta code please! http://bit.ly/haloreachbeta” (Click here to tweet this now)

That’s it! You must be following the Gear Live Twitter account, because we will be sending the codes to the winners on Twitter via DM, and if you aren’t following, we can’t DM you. Simple as that. Again, we’ve got a bunch of these, so you have a good chance of walking away with a code! We will start choosing winners this afternoon.

Manhattan: All the Five Burroughs for Your NES!

Posted by Finnian Durkan Categories: Design, Video Games,

Manhattan All Five Burroughs NESHave you ever wondered what Manhattan would look like from the perspective of a Nintendo RPG in the mid-80’s?  No?  Then you’re either a commie or were born too late to get my clever Breakfast Club John Bender impressions; either way, you’re a neo-maxi-zoom-dweeby.  For all of you who answered ‘yes’ to my previous query or at least started reminiscing about that time that you beat Mike Tyson, then this little time waster is for you.  Brett Camper, an MIT alum and a true friend to the geek in all of us if there ever was one, has created an 8-bit map of NYC’s 5 Burroughs at 8bitnyc.com.  So dig out your Dr. Mario shirt, press up-down-up-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-select-start and go get functionally lost in what Mapquest would’ve looked like over a 1kbps dial-up modem circa 1985.

StarCraft II Ghost messenger bag now available from Blizzard

Posted by Finnian Durkan Categories: Accessories, Wearables, Video Games,

Starcraft Ghost messenger bagFor fans of WarCraft, StarCraft but not Arts ‘n Crafts, Blizzard Entertainment has now released their StarCraft II Ghost Messenger Bag.  This way, not only can you spend hours and hours playing games online but when you do unplug you can rest assured that this bag will let everyone know that in the fake, make-believe world in your bedroom you are a man to be reckoned with, to be feared; nay, worshiped!  There is a limit to two per person, so you can only get one for you and one for your girlfriend in Half-Life 2; them’s the breaks.  Now where did I put my Skull and Crossbones footie pajamas?

Read More | Blizzard
